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Membership Directory

Membership Directory

Membership Directory

Pakistan-China Joint Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCJCCI’s) membership directory is a valuable addition to our services which helps our members firstly, by association because when potential customers see a business in the directory it gives them a proof of the legitimacy of the business.

Secondly, it is envisaged that potential customers can discover multiple business options in the membership directory, especially those looking out for new opportunities in local as well as cross-border businesses.

Besides, this membership directory enables our members to build business relations with people of their areas of interest by offering a large range of elaborated categories which are self- explanatory and user-friendly.

This information can be searched alphabetically or by category of the business.

Furthermore, the list of members of PCJCCI includes companies registered from different sectors.

The most relevant information regarding listed companies comprises of complete business profiles of their business, website addresses, and contact numbers. In addition to that, information regarding member businesses can be updated anytime as per the desire of the member.

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