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  1. ADP             Annual Development Program
  2. AEDB          Alternative Energy Development Board
  3. AMCs           Asset Management Companies
  4. APCC           Annual Plan Coordination Committee
  5. BISP            Benazir Income Support Program
  6. BPD             Barrels Per Day
  7. CAMB         Centre for Applied Molecular Biology
  8. CCI              Council of Common Interests
  9. CDWP        Central Development Working Party
  10. CCP             Competition Commission of Pakistan
  11. CGT             Capital Gains Tax
  12. CSF              Coalition Support Fund
  13. CWHR        Council for Works and Housing Research
  14. DEMP         Directorate of Electronic Media and Publications
  15. ECO             Economic Cooperation Organization
  16. ELTR           English Language Teaching Reforms
  17. ERRA          Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority
  18. FDI               Foreign Direct Investment
  19. FEG              Framework for Economic Growth
  20. FRDL           Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Limitation
  21. FP&RH       Family Planning and Reproductive Health
  22. GAIN           Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
  23. GCI              General Cognitive Index
  24. GDP             Gross Domestic Product
  25. GNP             Gross National Product
  26. GPI              Gender Parity Index
  27. GSP             Geological Survey of Pakistan
  28. ICT               Islamabad Capital Territory
  29. HEC            Higher Education Commission
  30. HIES           Household Intergraded Household Survey
  31. ICT               Information and Communication Technology
  32. IMF              International Monetary Fund
  33. MoPD&R   Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform
  34. MoIPC        Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination
  35. MDGs         Millennium Development Goals
  36. NAVTTC    National Vocational and Technical Training Commission
  37. NAG            National Art Gallery
  38. NDA            Net Domestic Assets
  39. NEC            National Economic Council
  40. NIE              National Institute of Electronics
  41. NHSR&C   Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
  42. NEPRA      National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
  43. PAEC         Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
  44. PARC        Pakistan Agriculture Research Council
  45. PBC            Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
  46. PBC           Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation
  47. PEMRA    Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority
  48. PCRET     Pakistan Council for Renewable Energy Technologies
  49. PCRWR   Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources
  50. PCSIR      Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
  51. PDHS       Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey
  52. PDL          Petroleum Development Levy
  53. PMD         Pakistan Meteorological Department
  54. PNAC       Pakistan National Accreditation Council
  55. PNCA       Pakistan National Council of Arts
  56. PNRA      Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority
  57. PRI           Pakistan Remittance Initiative
  58. PSDP       Public Sector Development Program
  59. PSEs        Public Sector Enterprises
  60. PSF          Pakistan Science Foundation
  61. PSLM       Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measurement Survey
  62. PSQCA    Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority
  63. PTVC       Pakistan Television Corporation PTA Pakistan Telecom       Authority
  64. OGRA     Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority
  65. SAFTA   South Asian Free Trade Agreement
  66. SDGs      Sustainable Development Goals
  67. SROs      Statutory Regulatory Orders
  68. SSGCL    Sui Southern Gas Company Limited
  69. SNGPL   Sui Northern Gas Company Limited
  70. SECP       Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
  71. SMEs      Small and Medium Enterprises
  72. STFP       Strategic Trade Policy Framework
  73. SECMC  Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company
  74. TDS         Tariff Differential Subsidy
  75. TDPs       Temporarily Dislocated Persons
  76. WTO        World Trade Organization
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